Saturday, May 21, 2011

M.E.morial Day BBQ on Sun, 5/29!

Will you be attending the M.E.morial BBQ on 5/29 (1-6pm)?
Yes, count us in! There will be 2 of us.
Yes, count us in! There will be 3 of us.
Yes, count us in! There will be 4 of us.
Yes, count us in! There will be 5 of us.
Yes, count us in! There will be 6 of us.
Yes, count us in! There will be 7 of us.
Yes, count us in! There will be 8 of us.
No, sorry we can't make it. free polls
Dearest Lovers,

Next weekend is the M.E.morial Day BBQ! We invite all of you to attend but in order to properly prepare for the event, we'd like to know how many can make it. Kindly take the poll.

The New M.E. T-shirts (I Love M.E. & M.E. First) will also be available for sale at the BBQ. Sizes S-XL are $18 and XXL is $20. If you ordered one at the Reunion, please come and join us at the BBQ and pick up your shirt.

Also, if anyone can help with Set Up, Games and Clean Up, please call Wayne 483-5587 or Kanae at 285-1168.

We look forward to seeing you all next Sunday!

Wayne & Boni
Russ & Kanae