Hafa Adai Marriage Encounter Family! Our weekend has begun! Below is the schedule of events for each day! Please come and Join us at the Aqua Resort as we carry out our Lord’s weekend! We ask for your continued prayers especially for our new couples as they experience their weekend for the first time!
OCTOBER 14-16 2011
6pm Greet-In begins – Please come and welcome our new couples as they wait
For the weekend to begin in the Rey Lounge
7:30 pm Intro Ceremony begins - Please join us in welcoming our new couples and help them feel at ease as they proceed into the conference room.
See coordinators before going home for updates on weekend (schedules, food serving volunteers, Greet-off potluck, Prayer Couples, etc)
See the Quinns if you need to purchase M.E. shirts
Get the list of new couples so you can prepare your Extra Prayer Letters (EPLs)-Instructions/explanations available with the list J
-Work on your prayer letters (EPLs) for the new couples!!
***Dialogue!!….Diagonally, if you wish!! J
6:30am Prep Conference Room Snacks/drinks
7:00am Volunteers for Breakfast Serving Arrive for information/instructions
7:50-8:25am Breakfast
Work on your prayer letters (EPLs) for the new couples!!
11:30am Volunteers for Lunch Serving Arrive for Information/Instructions
12-12:45pm Lunch
Work on your prayer letters (EPLs) for the new couples!!
5pm Volunteers for Dinner Serving Arrive for Information/Instructions
5:40-6:30pm Dinner
Work on your Prayer letters (EPLs) for the new couples!!
Please bring in your PLs, EPLs by the Evening of Saturday… the earlier the better!!
7am Volunteers for Breakfast Serving Arrive
7:30-8:15am Breakfast
8:00am Assembling of Gift Bags, PLs, EPLs begins in Facility Room.
9:00am If you haven’t yet, turned in your Prayer Letters/Extra Prayer Letters Please! J There will be a designated area at the Lover’s Control Room.
11:00am Volunteers for distribution of Gift Bags, EPLs, PLs arrive for briefing
12 noon Volunteers for Lunch Serving Arrive
12:30-1:15pm Lunch
Distribution of Gift Bags, EPLs, PLs
1:30pm Set up for Graduation Celebration/Greet-off Potluck
2pm Volunteers to help Prayer couples manage couple’s children/family arrive to pitch in J
3pm Please bring your donation for potluck greet off to the Costa Restaurant
3:30-4:00 Prayer Couples and families should all be present for Greet Off.
Together, we can make a difference!
Thank you for your Support and Faith in our Movement!!