Monday, September 26, 2011

M.E. Prayer Vigil

Hello Lovers!

The Weekend is fast approaching on 14~16 October and we need all Encountered Couples to sign up for the Prayer Vigil from Friday 8pm to Sunday 4pm.

Please sign up online at:

Remember that the prayer vigil hour is a time to spend with your spouse as a couple and reflect on your relationship as well as those who are participating in the Weekend and their families at home.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

M.E. Memorial Mass for Ben Tured on Tue, 9/27/11

Dear Lovers,

We wanted to let everyone know that our M.E. brother, Ben Tured, passed away on this past Monday. He was with his wife Mercy and family in Yap at the time.

There will be a memorial mass for Ben on Tuesday, September 27, at Kristo Rai Parish Church in Garapan. It will start at 6PM. Please all be there with your family, if you can. Our Marriage Encounter family is organizing the mass details.

Lovers, we also we lost another Encountered brother recently. It was Bill Kintz. Let's also pray for his the repose of his soul and for the comfort of his widow Virginia.

With much Love,

Vince & Hilma and Father Ike

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Upcoming ME Weekend on October 14-16, 2011


You can now download registration forms and email it to your prospective couples.

The forms are available at:

We need at least 20 couples to make the weekend happen. Let's all try to invite at least one couple to make a weekend and make a difference in our community!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call our weekend coordinators Tom & Erica Thornburgh at 287-9205 or 285-6372.


Vince & Hilma and Father Ike