The CNMI Marriage Encounter recently awarded Vince & Hilma Castro and Father Isaac Ayuyu for their tireless work and dedication to the ME community. They served for the past two and half years as the Ecclesial leaders who helped grow and enrich couples and families in the CNMI. Congratulations and Thank You!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thank you, Castros & Pale Ike!
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Letter from USA Marriage Encounter Ecclesial Team to the CNMI Chapter
Dear Jun and Linda,
We want to share with you the beautiful words that Brian and Claudine and Fr. Jeff shared with us and with the entire U.S. Board last month. They sang your praises! Their words are as follows:
"Gonzalo (Jun) and Linda Pangelinan are the Weekend Pillar of the Commonwealth
of the Northern Mariana Islands. They lead the amazing community support for
this small and remote, but vibrant community of lovers. For Saipan’s October
weekend, applications jumped from 12 to 23 confirmed couples in just two days.
We went into the weekend with a waiting list of at least a half dozen more couples.
During the weekend, Jun and Linda lovingly attended to every need, often
providing support before the presenting teams realized it was needed. Their
weekend support includes a core group of couples that stays at the hotel facility (at
their own expense), refreshes the snack table and serves meals. To provide support
and encouragement for the Saipan community, they hold a bonfire on the beach
late Saturday night. Their love for each other and this Movement is an inspiration
for all."
Jun and Linda, we join Brian and Claudine and Fr. Jeff in praising you for the way you are so beautifully serving Worldwide Marriage Encounter in your area in Section 12. We can only imagine how many couples are touched by your tender care for them, especially the couples on the weekends you so generously serve! We are especially grateful for your commitment to filling weekends. Our Church in Saipan and our movement in particular, are blessed by the considerable gifts you share with them all!
We are grateful for all of the time, energy, prayer and the many sacrifices all four of you continue to make so that Worldwide Marriage Encounter can continue to be a strong presence in and for our Church. May God continue to bless you as abundantly as you are blessing so many others!
With our love,
ScottandKaren & Fr. Tom
"Feed my sheep." (John 21:17)
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
CNMI M.E.'s Ecclesial Team 2011-2013
CNMI's Marriage Encounter Community is pleased to announce it's Ecclesial Team of Father Isaac Ayuyu and Charles & Cathy Cepeda. They will lead the M.E. Community for the next two years to offer the islands of Saipan, Tinian & Rota the gift of Marriage Encounter. There is nothing more important in the world than God & Family and M.E.'s commitment to enrich the lives of couples further strengthens the family unit.
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
ME Weekend Reunion on Thursday evening
Dearest Lovers,
Congratulations on a successful ME Weekend! We humbly thank the ME community for all your love and support and warmly invite ALL ME couples to the Reunion this Thursday at 6pm at the Aqua Resort's Rey Lounge. Please bring your dialogue books and a dish to share.
What: ME Fall Weekend Reunion
Date: Thursday, October 20, 2011
Time: 6-9pm
Place: Aqua Resort's Rey Lounge
Bring: Your Spouse, a dish to share (potluck) and dialogue books
* If couples are available to assist with set up @ 5:30pm, please contact Kanae at / 285-1168 or Boni /483-9221.
If child care is unavailable, please feel free to bring your child/children along with games/toys/books to keep them occupied during our meeting.
We look forward to seeing you then.
Love & Blessings,
Russ & Kanae Quinn and Wayne & Boni Pangelinan
Community Pillars
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 1:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, CNMI ME Weekend Reunion, Marriage Encounter, Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Monday, October 17, 2011
CNMI M.E. Leadership Discernment Election Tonight!
Dearest Ones!
Today is another EXCITING day for the CNMI Worldwide Area Marriage Encounter. We will be doing a discernment process and balloting to select our new leaders.
All encountered present tonight will be able to submit a ballot. Please join us this evening for a prayerful discernment.
What: CNMI Area Leadership Discernment
Where: San Antonio Parish Social Hall
Time: 6:00PM
Bring: A dish to share
We had just concluded another powerful weekend and we are again blessed with tonight's event. Our Section 12 Ecclesial Couple, Brian & Claudine Perry, will be running tonight’s leadership discernment process. Let’s welcome them with the Island Spirit!
Love and hugs,
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Discernment, CNMI Marriage Encounter, Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Friday, October 14, 2011
M.E. Weekend - Starts Tonight!
Hafa Adai Marriage Encounter Family! Our weekend has begun! Below is the schedule of events for each day! Please come and Join us at the Aqua Resort as we carry out our Lord’s weekend! We ask for your continued prayers especially for our new couples as they experience their weekend for the first time!
OCTOBER 14-16 2011
6pm Greet-In begins – Please come and welcome our new couples as they wait
For the weekend to begin in the Rey Lounge
7:30 pm Intro Ceremony begins - Please join us in welcoming our new couples and help them feel at ease as they proceed into the conference room.
See coordinators before going home for updates on weekend (schedules, food serving volunteers, Greet-off potluck, Prayer Couples, etc)
See the Quinns if you need to purchase M.E. shirts
Get the list of new couples so you can prepare your Extra Prayer Letters (EPLs)-Instructions/explanations available with the list J
-Work on your prayer letters (EPLs) for the new couples!!
***Dialogue!!….Diagonally, if you wish!! J
6:30am Prep Conference Room Snacks/drinks
7:00am Volunteers for Breakfast Serving Arrive for information/instructions
7:50-8:25am Breakfast
Work on your prayer letters (EPLs) for the new couples!!
11:30am Volunteers for Lunch Serving Arrive for Information/Instructions
12-12:45pm Lunch
Work on your prayer letters (EPLs) for the new couples!!
5pm Volunteers for Dinner Serving Arrive for Information/Instructions
5:40-6:30pm Dinner
Work on your Prayer letters (EPLs) for the new couples!!
Please bring in your PLs, EPLs by the Evening of Saturday… the earlier the better!!
7am Volunteers for Breakfast Serving Arrive
7:30-8:15am Breakfast
8:00am Assembling of Gift Bags, PLs, EPLs begins in Facility Room.
9:00am If you haven’t yet, turned in your Prayer Letters/Extra Prayer Letters Please! J There will be a designated area at the Lover’s Control Room.
11:00am Volunteers for distribution of Gift Bags, EPLs, PLs arrive for briefing
12 noon Volunteers for Lunch Serving Arrive
12:30-1:15pm Lunch
Distribution of Gift Bags, EPLs, PLs
1:30pm Set up for Graduation Celebration/Greet-off Potluck
2pm Volunteers to help Prayer couples manage couple’s children/family arrive to pitch in J
3pm Please bring your donation for potluck greet off to the Costa Restaurant
3:30-4:00 Prayer Couples and families should all be present for Greet Off.
Together, we can make a difference!
Thank you for your Support and Faith in our Movement!!
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 3:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2011 CNMI ME Weekend, CNMI Marriage Encounter, Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Monday, October 10, 2011
The WEEKEND is near! Get ready!
Hello ME Family,
Get ready for another exciting ME Weekend this Friday through Sunday at the Aqua Resort Saipan! We'll be welcoming 25 new couples into the community and look forward to seeing all the ME Alumni! Please join us at the Greet in, F&B meal times, Greet off and the special Alumni Bonfire on Saturday night at 10pm on the beach south of Aqua.
See you all then!
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Ready for the Next ME Weekend? It's NEXT WEEK!
Hafa adai to our beloved M.E. Family,
We, your fall 2011 weekend coordinators, along with our energetic and committed co-coordinators Wayne ♥ Boni Pangelinan, would like to extend our heartfelt love and appreciation to all the couples who have lovingly volunteered their time and talents to help prepare for the upcoming October 14-16 weekend. These couples have been working hard for the past 2 months in fulfilling the vision of M.E. which is “To love one another”.
Weekend Pillars: Gonzalo ♥ Linda Pangelinan & John ♥ Carol Hosono
Registration: Vince ♥ MaryRose Ruwaath & John ♥ Vicky Mafnas
Facility: JJ ♥ Juanette Atalig & Gary ♥ Lynette Camacho
Publicity: Russ ♥ Kanae Quinn
Greet In: Jake ♥ Jackie Van Dam & John ♥ Michelle Tagabuel
Prayer Couple: Shawn ♥ Melisha San Nicolas & Glenn ♥ Elisha Muna & Jack ♥ Carla Sablan
Prayer Vigil: Wayne ♥ Boni Pangelinan
Greet Off: Walter ♥ Jessica Mendez & Patrick ♥ Mardi Reyes & Antonia♥Rosalita Magofna
Food & Beverage: John ♥ Divina Jenkins
Pulpit Talks: Vince ♥ Hilma Castro
Ecclesial Team: Vince ♥ Hilma Castro & Fr. Isaac Ayuyu
Without your life giving kindness and generosity, these weekends would not be possible. Again we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
We would also like to sincerely thank the rest of our M.E. community for all your support and prayers. Although you may not be with us physically, you are with us in spirit.
Our weekend is just around the corner! Next week Friday October 14, we shall begin work for our Lord’s weekend.
We are writing to invite the M.E. community to join us for the last 2 planning meetings. One is scheduled for this Thursday October 6th, beginning at 7 p.m. at JJ and Juanette’s home in Finasisu. We thank you JJ & Juanette for opening your home to us! The last and final planning meeting will be at the same time and place on Thursday October 13 – the night before the weekend. Please come if you are able to.
Also, we are calling on our community to be present on Friday October 14 for our famous “Greet In” tradition. Encountered couples will enthusiastically and energetically welcome the new couples as they walk into the conference room to start their weekend. Please be at the Aqua Resort Club by 6pm to help us comfort and welcome our new couples.
Finally, we ask for your continued prayers. Please join us in asking our God for guidance and direction as we carry out His will during His weekend. For without Him, nothing is possible!
We love you and look forward to being with you soon! Please don’t hesitate to contact us at the numbers below, should you need anything.
Tom ♥ Erica Thornburgh -287-9205 or 285-6372
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Aqua Resort Saipan, CNMI Marriage Encounter, CNMI ME Weekend, Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Next M.E. Weekend is coming up!
Hafa adai, Lovers!
If you haven't signed up for a prayer vigil hour, do so now at:
There are still 9-hours left.
Join us for the weekend planning meeting this Thursday, 7PM at JJ & Juanette Ataligs' home in Fina Sisu. We have less than two weeks!
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 26, 2011
M.E. Prayer Vigil
Hello Lovers!
The Weekend is fast approaching on 14~16 October and we need all Encountered Couples to sign up for the Prayer Vigil from Friday 8pm to Sunday 4pm.
Please sign up online at:
Remember that the prayer vigil hour is a time to spend with your spouse as a couple and reflect on your relationship as well as those who are participating in the Weekend and their families at home.
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 3:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, CNMI ME Weekend
Saturday, September 24, 2011
M.E. Memorial Mass for Ben Tured on Tue, 9/27/11
Dear Lovers,
We wanted to let everyone know that our M.E. brother, Ben Tured, passed away on this past Monday. He was with his wife Mercy and family in Yap at the time.
There will be a memorial mass for Ben on Tuesday, September 27, at Kristo Rai Parish Church in Garapan. It will start at 6PM. Please all be there with your family, if you can. Our Marriage Encounter family is organizing the mass details.
Lovers, we also we lost another Encountered brother recently. It was Bill Kintz. Let's also pray for his the repose of his soul and for the comfort of his widow Virginia.
With much Love,
Vince & Hilma and Father Ike
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 11:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ben Tured, CNMI Marriage Encounter
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Upcoming ME Weekend on October 14-16, 2011
You can now download registration forms and email it to your prospective couples.
The forms are available at:
We need at least 20 couples to make the weekend happen. Let's all try to invite at least one couple to make a weekend and make a difference in our community!
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call our weekend coordinators Tom & Erica Thornburgh at 287-9205 or 285-6372.
Vince & Hilma and Father Ike
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 2:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, CNMI ME Weekend
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Fall Weekend Planning Meeting on August 29th!
Hafa Adai Lovers!
Our Fall 2011 Weekend Coordinators, Tom & Erica Thornburgh, are calling the first planning meeting for the Fall 2011 Marriage Encounter Weekend.
What: Fall 2011 Weekend Planning Meeting
Where: Thornburgh's Residence in Gualo Rai (See Map below)
When: Monday, August 29, 2011
Time: 6:30PM
Let’s help and support our weekend coordinators make this the best possible weekend!
Vince & Hilma and Father Ike
Notes: Once on Historia Place, it is the 3-story house on the left.
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 7:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, CNMI ME Weekend, Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Father Isaac Ayuyu's 25th Anniversary of Priesthood
Dearest Lovers,
A luncheon will be held in celebration of our beloved Father Isaac Ayuyu's 25th year anniversary of priesthood. The luncheon will also double as a fundraising event. Proceeds will be used to make much needed upgrades to the Mt. Carmel Cathedral.
As you may know, Father Ike continues to be an instrumental part of the local Marriage Encounter and has been for over a decade now. We ask our all M.E. couples to join the community celebrate this special occasion of our local area M.E. Ecclesial Priest, Father Isaac Ayuyu's 25th Years of priesthood.
The Luncheon will be held at the Pacific Islands Club on Saturday, September 3. Reply to this email or call Vince at 287-8089 or Hilma at 789-7881 for Luncheon tickets ($40 per head).
Love & Hugs
Vince & Hilma Castro
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 6:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, Father Isaac Ayuyu, Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Congratulations, Ed & Dorsha Guinto!
The CNMI M.E. Community congratulations Ed & Dorsha Guinto on the birth of their 4th son, Ed Jr. on Father's Day, June 19, 2011. The Guinto's were encountered in March 2011 and are currently enrolled in the Steps Program. God bless the Guinto Family!
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 21, 2011
M.E.morial Day BBQ on Sun, 5/29!
Next weekend is the M.E.morial Day BBQ! We invite all of you to attend but in order to properly prepare for the event, we'd like to know how many can make it. Kindly take the poll.
The New M.E. T-shirts (I Love M.E. & M.E. First) will also be available for sale at the BBQ. Sizes S-XL are $18 and XXL is $20. If you ordered one at the Reunion, please come and join us at the BBQ and pick up your shirt.
Also, if anyone can help with Set Up, Games and Clean Up, please call Wayne 483-5587 or Kanae at 285-1168.
We look forward to seeing you all next Sunday!
Wayne & Boni
Russ & Kanae
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Vote for Your Favorite T-shirt by Sunday
Dear M.E. Community,
Please scroll below to view and vote for the next M.E. T-shirt. We value your opinion and look forward to seeing you at the M.E.morial Day BBQ on Sunday, 5/29/11 from 1-6pm.
Keep Dialoguing!
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
M.E. T-shirt Design Preview
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, ME, Saipan Marriage Encounter