The CNMI Chapter of the Worldwide Marriage Encounter holds monthly pillar (board) meetings much like any other organization. Last week, we revealed our Secret Santa couples and had an entertaining evening trying to guess which couple "romanced" the other.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
CNMI Marriage Encounter Pillar Meeting
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 3:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Christ for the Masses
With the busy-ness of the holidays upon us, we need to be reminded of the meaning of Christmas, which signifies Christ for the Masses! Gift buying & giving in addition to Christmas parties and vacations are all meaningful ways of celebrating the joy of love & family when performed from the love of our hearts. But, we must not forget what we're actually celebrating... Christ came to Earth to show His love for all. Jesus mandated us to love each other so let's remember to be extra kind, compassionate, gentle, patient and most of all forgiving this season.
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 6:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Prayer Warrior for Encha
Dear Companion on the Journey~
We ask for your prayers for Father Isaac's sister, Encha Ayuyu Lydia. You may have met her. She is a flight attendant for Continental.
Encha is seriously ill with a liver problem. She is being evacuated to the Philippines Tuesday or Wednesday this week for a liver transplant. She is currently at the Guam Memorial Hospital.
Father Isaac will be leaving today for Guam to anoint his sister Encha, before she departs for the Philippines.
Please keep Encha in your prayers.
Vince & Hilma Castro
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Steps Starts Again
This week, we completed Step 2 with our new group consisting of the following ME couples:
Russ & Kanae Quinn, Father Ryan Jimenez, Tyce & Angie Mister as Facilitators/Co-Facilitators
Ray & Sisi Alvarez, Ed & Nikolita Gechig, Gordon & Bina Marciano and Mark & Becky Robles are our the newly encountered couples.
We look forward to spending 10 sessions with our new Steps Family!
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
2010 Marriage Encounter Calendar of Events
Jan / Feb: Spring Mixer; Valentine's Sweetheart's Ball; World Marriage Day
Feb / Mar: Recruitment period; Spring Weekend Planning
Mar / Apr: Spring Weekend; Reunion; Easter
Apr / May: Marianas March Against Cancer; Steps Along the Journey
May / Jun: Graduation Season; Steps Along the Journey
Jun / Jul: Family Fun Fest; Summer Social (adults); Steps Along the Journey
Jul / Aug: Fall Mixer
Aug / Sep: Fall Weekend Planning; Labor of Love (family)
Sep / Oct: Fall Weekend; Halloween Party
Oct / Nov: World Priest Day; Pastor Appreciation Month; Steps Along the Journey
Nov / Dec: Holiday Season; Steps Along the Journey
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Steeper Steps Completed!
In just 9 days, our group completed the 4 session Steeper Steps led by Rex & Clarie Kosack. We gained a much deeper understanding about the power of grace and forgiveness and learned how anger can be so destructive in a relationship.
Thank you very much, Rex & Clarie, for your selfless giving of time and energy to ME!
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, Steeper Steps
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Steeper Steps Ongoing
Our group commenced Steeper Steps last Thursday evening and our plan is to complete it in a record 9 days! Yes, we'll be done with the 4 sessions this Saturday afternoon, before trick-or-treating begins!
Steeper Steps is the "graduate" course to the Steps Along the Journey and encompasses the concepts of anger, grace and forgiveness, which are vital components of any relationship. Rex & Clarie Kosack are the sole facilitators for this program as Rex created all the material himself several years ago.
For couples who have completed Steps, it's time to get your group together for Steeper Steps! It's something you won't want to miss!
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, Steeper Steps
Monday, October 26, 2009
ME Halloween Party at the Yarowemals'
On Saturday, October 31st at 6:00pm, Tony and Linda Yarobwemal (the Y's) will be hosting a special Halloween party. Why drive around with the kids when you can come to one place and relax? Have the kids stay in one are and enjoy the goodies and treats!
Please bring a dish & candies to share for dinner/snack.
This is also an opportunity for you to invite those whom you listed as potential couples (and their families).
The Y's live in Koblerville on the street that intersects As Lito Road (where ABCD mart is).
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 4:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: ME Halloween Party
Sign up for STEPS NOW!
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: ME Steps Reunion, Steps Along the Journey
Friday, October 23, 2009
ME Reunion Tonight!
Dear Lovers,
The ME Reunion is TONIGHT at the Grand Hotel's Seaside Hall, starting at 6pm. This is THE opportunity for newly and past encountered couples to sign up for the STEPS program and learn more about the ME concepts. Healthy marriages, like healthy bodies need to remain active. We need to nourish our marriages with quality time and commitment to prioritize each other's needs.
Steps Along the Journey is THE best way for newly encountered couples to continue the buzz from the Weekend and apply it to their lives.
Date: Friday, October 23, 2009
Time: 6-9pm
Venue: Grand Hotel Seaside Hall
Why: It's the best thing you can do for your marriage & family!
See you there!
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 2:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, ME Reunion, Saipan Marriage Encounter
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Marriage Encounter Weekend - Another Successful Production!
ME would not be what it is today without you!
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 3:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, ME Weekend, Saipan Marriage Encounter
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Marriage Encounter Weekend - Just Started!
Last night, the Fall Marriage Encounter Weekend commenced at the Saipan Grand Resort. This session, the presenting teams are: Don & Jeanette Boltz from California, Jess & Anicia Sonoda, Vince & Hilma Castro and Father Ryan Jimenez. The ME Community is in full force with the organizing of the Weekend's details. For all Encountered Couples, please come to the Greet Off at 4PM this Sunday at the Saipan Grand Hotel and bring a potluck dish to share!
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, Marriage Encounter Weekend, ME Community, Saipan
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Weekend Planning Meeting Tonight!
October 1, 2009
6:30 pm
Tony and Linda Yarobwemal's Residence
*Please bring a snack to share*
Please come and share you time, talents ~ and most especially ~ your love!
Please take a look at the Weekend Greet Off Potluck Menu! If you can volunteer to take out a dish, please input your name and contact information and email back to Joe and Annale' Torres or call them at 235-6260 (w) or 285-8293 (c).
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 6:19 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Upcoming ME Weekend
Hello Lovers,
I'm sure you've all heard that our next weekend is coming up in October. Our teams have been working so hard and wonderfully to help make it a success. John and I along with Jun and Linda cannot express enough our appreciation for all the unselfish acts of Love coming in from our M.E. community. We extend our love and our hands out to the entire M.E. community and invite you to reach out to other couples who you know have been encountered but have moved on to other things due to their busy schedules. We are seeking them out to come back into our community and make our fire even bigger and stronger.
As we all know (and feel) the whole nation is experiencing hard times. Because of this, WWME is having difficulty paying for our weekends. In the spirit of continuing to share the Dream with other couples, we humbly reach out to all of you to join us in making this upcoming weekend even more special, not only for the in-coming couples, but also for all of us who have already been encountered .
If you would like to make a contribution, please contact Carol, Linda P. or Hilma. Linda P. will be updating us on how much is coming in. Our Pot is now at $200. :) Any amount will be sincerely appreciated.
If you can't contribute monetarily, Your presence during the Greet-in and the Greet-off will be an honor.
God Bless you all with all the love that we all deserve!!
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Weekend Planning next Thu and Bishop's B-day Mass on Fri
Hello Lovers,
Here are a couple of updates:
Weekend Planning Meeting
This is to inform everyone that there will be no planning meetingthis week for the October Weekend. Planning meetings will resume next Thursday, September 24, 2009.
Bishop's Birthday Mass
Bishop Camacho celebrates his 76th birthday this Friday, September 18th. As you know, Bishop Camacho has been a driving force in the Marriage Encounter in the CNMI. As such, encountered couples are encouraged to attend the 6:00am mass at the Mt. Carmel Cathedral this Friday to celebrate mass with the Bishop. Refreshments will be available after the mass.
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bishop Camacho, CNMI Marriage Encounter
Saturday, September 12, 2009
ME Weekend Planning Committee & Birthday Celebration
On Thursday evening, we attended the weekly ME Weekend Planning Committee meeting at the Y's home. The Weekend plans are coming along smoothly and we need to just find the 25 couples to be encountered. They don't know this yet, but the ME Weekend will change their lives forever (for the better)!
Many of the couples who continue onto the Steps program remain close with the ME community and their marriage is enhanced through the commitment of prioritizing the marriage.
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, ME Weekend Planning Committee
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Labor for Love Kick Off BBQ
On Labor Day, the CNMI Marriage Encounter Community joined together to celebrate love and family at Susupe Beach. Mark & Jenni Aguon did an awesome job organizing the event! They also received help from Vanessa Pangelinan and Jackie Van Dam with all the games. The ME family contributed food, tents, picnic tables and prizes to ensure a day of excitement. It was a perfect day at the beach with beautiful weather, plenty of food, fun games and to top it off, an awesome community of friends.
After lots of food, the games began! First, the water balloon toss!
John and his daughter won! Congratulations!
There were many families who enjoyed the day, including Jeff, Sonia and Sole Camacho.
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Labor for Love Kick Off 2009 on Sep 7th!

Posted by Russ and Kanae at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Weekend Plannig Meeting Tonight!
Thursday, September 3, 2009 (tomorrow)
6:00 pm
Tony and Lynn Yarobwemal's residence
in Koblerville
(see attached map)
(if you can...please bring a snack)
We know that we alone cannot make a Weekend a reality. It takes the love and support of the ME Community. We hope we'll see you there ~ with any ideas, comments or concerns ~ so that we can make this Weekend WONDERFUL!
You can contact the Hosonos at 286-4997 and the Pangelinans at 483-4111 with questions or for more details.
Let's all work together to spread the love we felt on our Weekends to other Couples!
Let your Couple Power Shine!
Vince & Hilma Castro and Fr. Isaac Ayuyu
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: ME Weekend
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Myths about the Marriage Encounter Weekend
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 4:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, ME, ME Weekend, Saipan Marriage Encounter
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Steps 10 Complete!
Last Saturday night, our Steps Family completed Step 10. What an accomplishment! We fast-tracked the Steps since Ed & Daisy are expecting their son very soon! Our group consisted of Russ and me (facilitators), Mark & Jenni Aguon (co-facilitators), Gary & Vanessa Pangelinan, Justin Mariano & Hee Jae Lee and Ed & Daisy Propst. What an amazing bonding experience we shared through our ten Steps sessions. We've already planned our next two reunions: a party at Ed's Dad's house and a "Fireproof" movie night!
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Step 10, Steps Along the Journey
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Happy Anniversary, Propst's & Mariano/Lee's!
On Saturday, our Steps group met to enjoy dinner, discuss Step 5 and celebrate the wedding anniversaries of Justin & Hee Jae as well as Ed & Daisy. Their joint anniversaries were yesterday on July 27th!
Ed & Daisy, Justin & Hee Jae were encountered in March and enrolled in Steps as a way to continue the Marriage Encounter program and allow the concepts introduced in their Weekend to grow.

Posted by Russ and Kanae at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: Steps
Friday, July 24, 2009
Diocese of Chalan Kanoa: Year of the Priest
Year of the Priest: St. John Vianney
O Jesus, I pray for Your faithful and fervent priests;
for Your unfaithful and tepid priests;
for Your priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields;
for Your tempted priests;
for Your lonely and desolate priest;
for Your young priests;
for Your dying priests;
for the souls of Your priests in purgatory.
But above all I recommend to You the priests dearest to me;
the priest who baptized me;
the priests at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me our Body and Blood in Holy communion;
the priests who taught and instructed me;
all the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way.
O Jesus, keep them all close to Your heart, and bless them abundantly in time and in eternity.
St. John Vianney, pray for us; obtain for us many and holy priests.
Dear ME Lovers ~
Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed this year from June 19, 2009 as the Year of the Priest. For the ME community, it's an opportunity for us to show our love and appreciation to our local priests and pastors. More information will be available soon.
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: ME, Year of the Priest
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Prayer Support for Jesus Atalig
Dearest CNMI Lovers,
We are reaching out to you with an urgent request for your loving prayers and support for Jesus Atalig ~ father of JJ Atalig as he prepares to travel off island for special medical treatment.
JJ and Juanette have been an active part of our CNMI Marriage Encounter Community for many years ~ supporting Couples with their hard work and prayers at each Weekend.
Please pray for their family as JJ will accompany his father for the off island medical treatment early next month.
With love and prayers,
Vince & Hilma and Fr. Isaac
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, Prayer Request
Friday, July 10, 2009
Hafa Adai Lovers,
We're sending out this prayer warrior to our ME Community to urgently request special prayers for Fr. Chuck Gallagher who will undergo surgery beginning at 8pm tonight (Saipan time).
As we may recall hearing on our Weekends, Fr. Chuck was one of the pioneers who helped form Worldwide Marriage Encounter in the United States.
Please offer your prayers for this servant of the Lord who has given so much love to so many.
With love and prayers,
Vince & Hilma Castro and Fr. Isaac Ayuyu
The history of Worldwide Marriage Encounter began with Father Chuck Gallagher:
1969 - Fr. Chuck Gallagher, two other priests and couples from New York give 22 Weekends. As each Weekend finished, they learned more and made changes to make the Weekends even better. Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) begins developing under the leadership of Fr. Charles Gallagher, S.J. and Edward & Harriet Garzero. The songs from “Man from LaMancha” are added to the Weekend. The Weekend went from Long Island, NY to Buffalo and Sioux City, Iowa. The Marriage Encounter symbol consisting of a heart symbolizing life, the two circles husband and wife and the cross symbolizing the church is created. The song I’ll Never Find Another You (There’s A New World Somewhere) by the Seekers is adopted as “our song”.
1970 – New York reaches out to Grand Forks, North Dakota. The importance of Daily Dialogue and the sharing of our feelings are recognized as the important cornerstones of Worldwide Marriage Encounter.
1971 – A decision is made to “encounter” the United States. The gift of WWME spreads through Pennsylvania, New Jersey and North Carolina, and through September of 1972 the following cities – Washington D.C., Boston, Detroit, St. Louis, San Antonio, New Orleans, Kansas City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and San Francisco. The Catholic expression of WWME begins interfaith reach out to the Jewish and Episcopal denominations.
1972 – Worldwide expansion begins with a reach out to Belgium. The first National Convention is held in Hicksville, New York. WWME begins to organize in regions within the United States. WWME is offered in England.
1973 – The “Weekend” is offered in Chile, India and Ireland. The Second National Convention is held in Hicksville, NY. The World wide Family of Worldwide Marriage Encounter is created. The first Spanish-speaking Weekend is given in Brooklyn. Due to philosophical differences two distinct programs of Marriage Encounter developed. Both exist today. One is Worldwide Marriage Encounter the other National Marriage Encounter both have the origin from Encuentro Conjugal.
1974 – The Weekend is taken to Australia, France, Japan, Mexico and Germany. Spanish speaking Worldwide Marriage Encounters begin in San Antonio, TX. and spread to Brooklyn, Los Angeles and Puerto Rico. 100,000 couples are “encountered” in the United States. The Third National Convention is held at St. John’s University in NY. A nationwide hour-by-hour Prayer Vigil for religious vocations begins with the start of the Holy Year.
1975 – The first Worldwide Convention of Worldwide Marriage Encounter is held at St. John’s Univ. in N.Y. A pilgrimage is made to Lourdes and Rome. Weekends are offered in Spain, Indonesia, Brazil and Okinawa.
1976 – The Fifth National/Second Worldwide Convention is held in Philadelphia. Worldwide Marriage Encounter has been offered to 750,000 couples. As one country reaches out to another the Weekend spreads to Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Korea, Guam, Bolivia, Holland, Yugoslavia, Peru, Columbia, Guatemala, Philippines and the Virgin Islands. WWME participates in the 41st Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia.
1977 – Weekends are offered in Rome, Korea, (Korean Speaking), Fiji, Argentina, South Africa, Kenya and New Zealand. The first European Secretariat meeting is held in Belgium and Canada organizes their Secretariat structure.
1978 – WWME is ten years old and holds its first International Council meeting formed at Cuernavaca, Mexico with the Seven Secretariats of Asia, South Pacific, Pan-Africa, Europe, United States, Canada and Latin America. The first contact is made in Poland with Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, aka Pope John Paul II.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter continues to be the strongest pro-marriage movement in the world now presented in over 87 countries and made available in twelve faith expressions.
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, Fr Chuck Gallagher, WWME
Saturday, June 27, 2009
ME Steps Family Reunion
Last night, we took advantage of a special Happy Hour promotion at PIC to get together with one of our Steps Families for food, drinks, music and lively conversation. Steps Reunions are not unique or uncommon as we all feel a need to get together with our Steps Families from time to time.
After spending 10 or more sessions together, all the couples become our close "brothers and sisters" through ME. Last night, our group (Mark & Jenni Aguon, Gary & Lyn Camacho, Jun & Linda Pangelinan, Sheila Trianni, Russ & Kanae Quinn) celebrated and vowed to get together when Mike returned from his trip. ME is a wonderful community, full of loving couples who prioritize their marriages and realize that we want to all have a happy and healthy home life.
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Marriage Encounter, ME Steps Reunion
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Help Support Guam's ME Weekend!
Greetings Lovers!
It is with great pleasure that we share with you that the Guam Area will be presenting a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend from Friday, June 26, 2009 through Sunday, June 28, 2009. Two of our own Presenting Teams ~ Jess & Anicia Sonoda and Julian & Marcia Calvo ~ will be presenting during this Weekend.
It was the Guam Marriage Encounter movement that shared the blessings of the Weekend with the CNMI back in the 1980s. And now, we have the opportunity to help encourage and support them during their Weekend by signing up for the Prayer Vigil.
If you can, please share your Couple Power with the Guam couples making the well as the Presenters as they signing up for an hour of prayer between June 26th at 6pm and June 28th at 5pm.
You can email David and Carolyne at <>(or we can also forward your reply to them). (Please see their original request below!)
With love and prayers,
Vince Hilma Castro and Fr. Isaac Ayuyu
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 10:53 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Urgent Call for Prayers!
Dearest ME Lovers,
We're urgently asking for your prayers for John Kleinfelder
as he undergoes rounds of tests, diagnosis and eventually treatment
for a sudden medical condition which is affecting his heart and body.
John and Rosemary Kleinfelder have been presenting Worldwide
Marriage Encounter Weekends for over thirty years and have served
as leaders for their Area, Section and even at the National level.
They have also been instrumental in forming the Weekend presentations
~ helping all Weekend Presenters ~ so that they can touch our lives
when we experience our Weekend.
We ask for your loving thoughts and prayers for John & Rosemary,
their family and all of the medical doctors and nurses trying to help them
as they experience this time of greate challenge.
You are all in our prayers,
Vince & Hilma and Fr. Isaac
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 6, 2009
ME at GTC Elementary Cultural & Health Festival
2nd Annual GTC Elementary School Cultural and Health Festival
which is TODAY!
June 6, 2009
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
the GTC School Field
San Roque
If you have any free time, drop on by!
We'd be happy to see you!
If you are interested in trying something similar in any of our other village communities,
let us know!
Let's spread the love!!
With love and prayers,
Vince & Hilma Castro
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter
Thursday, May 7, 2009
ME joins Marianas March Against Cancer
Good Morning Lovers!
The Marianas March Against Cancer is almost here!! It will be taking place on May 22-23, 2009 at the Hopwood Jr. High School Field. During this event, we will be burning luminary candles to support and honor our family and friends who are either battling this deadly disease or have passed away as a result of their battle. If you would like to order a luminary for someone in your life who has been affected by cancer, please fill out the form below and give us their information. Luminaries are $5 each.
Please email back any completed forms or call our TEAM WWME Captains, Antonio Lorraine Arriola for more details at 898-5787 (c), 237-3350 (Lorraine's Work), 288-0462 (h).
We hope to see you at the MMAC this year!
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, Marianas March Against Cancer
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Steps is starting
Rex & Clarie Kosack organized a Steps facilitator meeting yesterday and it was great to see all of our Steps family again. Rex announced that we'll have five groups this session with several new co-facilitating couples.
Steps is truly an essential part or really, the "Heart" of ME. This is where the ME community grows through the small groups meeting for each of the 10 Steps and learning not only how to better communicate with their spouse, but also their friends and family. The bond that closely binds Steps families are often much tighter than those of regular family members.
Steps couples seize the opportunity to love each other even more and take their relationship to the next level. It's often too easy to take a marriage or spouse for granted and Steps helps all of us remember to prioritize our relationships.
If you have any questions about Steps, please call Rex or Clarie Kosack at 322-8800.
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 3:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009
Enroll for Steps Along the Journey - NOW!
Thank you for your prayers for,
attendance at, and loving contribution to
the (April 2, 2009) Reunion for the March 2009 Weekend.
SI YU’OS MA’ASE ~ Thank you
For your assistance in building the M.E. Community!
Don’t forget..........
Steps Along the Journey
New cycle has started, for Sign-Ups (please see attached form!) and scheduling information, please contact the Coordinators: Rex & Clarie Kosack
Telephone No. 322-8800
E-Mail: or
Fall 2009 Weekend
Set for October 23-25, 2009
For registration and other recruiting information, please contact the Ecclesial Team:
Fr. Isaac Ayuyu
Tel. No. 234-3000; E-Mail:
Vince & Hilma Castro
Tel. No. 789-7881; E-Mail: or
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Thank you, Father Ike & Cepeda's for your loving contribution
At the ME reunion on Thursday evening, 4/2/09, the new Ecclesial leaders, Vince & Hilma Castro, awarded Father Ike and Charles & Cathy Cepeda for their 2+ years of dedicated service to the CNMI ME Community. Bishop Tomas A. Camacho issued the plaques, giving deserved recognition.
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 11:23 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
New Ecclesial Leadership Team for CNMI
Posted by Russ and Kanae at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: CNMI Marriage Encounter, Discernment, M.E., Section 12